b'Personal HygieneHow and When to WashGiving your hands a quick rinse isnt enough to kill germs. To be considered an acceptable hand washing, you must use a hand washing sink that has hot and cold running water, soap, and paper towels or another single use drying method (no cloth towels or dish rags). The hand washing process needs to take at least 20 seconds from start to finish.WHEN DO I NEED TO DOUBLE-WASH MY HANDS?Sometimes you must perform a double hand wash. Always do a double wash in the following situations: When you are ready to begin workAfter you use the toiletWhen you re-enter the work area after using the toiletAfter taking a break, eating, or smokingAny time you cough, sneeze, or blow your noseAny time your hands come into contact with your body, especially your face, mouth, or noseABOUT HAND SANITIZERSHand sanitizers can be a useful tool, but they work best on hands that are already clean. When youre handling food, you cant rely on them as a substitute for hand washing. You can use them after youve already washed.36'